beyond the limit, chemco

Convergence Technologies for the Future that Overcome Limitations of Technology and Life


Based on business insights and advanced technologies, secure world-class capabilities, find new business opportunities, and generate value through creative innovation across talents, manufacturing, and culture.

Beyond the limit

Chemco, an ever-growing company that leads customer value
Convergence Technologies for the Future that Overcome Limitations of Technology and Life

(Innovative Adhesion Technology, Materials for Everyday Life, Fellowship for Mutual Development)

mission ideologie

  • creative

  • challange

  • cooperation

  • contribution

Advanced Technologies Developed through Creative Thinking, Constant Challenge, and Cooperation, which Contribute to the Society

chemco vision 2025

2020 Cost Innovation, Pursuit of High Quality
  • Establishment of Growth Foundation
  • Reinforcement of Business Capacity
2022 Stabilization of New Business
  • Establishment of Constant Growth System
  • Expansion of New Growth Business
2025 Global Market Leader
  • Achievement of Market Leading Business
  • Sales: 100 bil.